Intelligent Electric Power Theft and Energy Meter Reading Using IOT

                  Ever since the advent of electricity it has become an integral part of our life. From the first ever electric bulb by Edison to the Tesla coil we humans have come a long way. In todays present world every little appliance works on electricity from the electric toothbrush to huge motors. Life without electricity is unimaginable today. With the advancement of technology huge amount of electricity is generated today. This electricity can be transmitted to far away remote places to be used by the people. The high demand of electricity has made it a multi-billion dollar industry. It is the largest industry in the entire world with an interconnection of appliances like none other.

current price: ₹5000    ₹6000

Project Description


                  Ever since the advent of electricity it has become an integral part of our life. From the first ever electric bulb by Edison to the Tesla coil we humans have come a long way. In todays present world every little appliance works on electricity from the electric toothbrush to huge motors. Life without electricity is unimaginable today. With the advancement of technology huge amount of electricity is generated today. This electricity can be transmitted to far away remote places to be used by the people. The high demand of electricity has made it a multi-billion dollar industry. It is the largest industry in the entire world with an interconnection of appliances like none other. The main objective of the project is to develop an iot based electricity meter reading displayed for units consumed and cost there upon over the internet. The reading of the energy meter is also sent to Web Server. These days with emerging developments in all sectors and growing demands, electricity has become priority for every individual and every organization. Naturally owing to few technical faults, losses may occur due to power dissipation by some devices. These losses can be minimized using the fast developing technology, but what about the other kind of losses? We are using manpower to monitor but we could not able to identify the theft occurs. To overcome this problem we implement new proposed system to find where the theft occurs by implementing the sensor system. When our system identify the theft occurs in the transmission line immediately to find it and send the information to concern person to alert the theft occurs. 

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus Simulation
  • Embedded C

Hardware Requirements

  • Arduino UNO
  • Theft Detection Module
  • Fire Sensor
  • Energy Meter Reading
  • Voltage Sensor
  • Node MCU
  • Relay Driver
  • Load
  • Alarm
  • LCD Display
  • Power Supply

Project Block Diagram

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