IoT based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System

In our day to day life we are facing a lot of problems due to traffic congestion, which is arising due to vehicle failure or accidents in no network area. The proposed system will solve this problems based on VANET [Vehicle Ad-hoc Network]. In which each moving vehicle is considered as node. In VANET each vehicle communicate with another vehicle that is, where the vehicle to vehicle communication takes place.

Project Description


In our day to day life we are facing a lot of problems due to traffic congestion, which is arising due to vehicle failure or accidents in no network area. The proposed system will solve this problems based on VANET [Vehicle Ad-hoc Network]. In which each moving vehicle is considered as node. In VANET each vehicle communicate with another vehicle that is, where the vehicle to vehicle communication takes place. The previous system conveys the message with the help of GSM module but it is incompatible in no network area. In this system we are transmitting the alert message using RF module and within the range of RF module the alert message is received by the moving vehicle and that is send to the next moving vehicle and the process is continued until the vehicle receives message, which is in the network area. Finally the message is received by the vehicle in the network area. Then the message will be transmitted to the base station (the road side unit). The alert message contains four types of messages. They are detected by piezo electric sensor, mems sensor, flame sensor, and temperature sensor. The message that is given by the flame sensor is send to the fire station. And the message given by the tilt sensor is send to the crane station.

Hardware Requirements

  • Arduino UNO
  • Parking Detection Sensor 
  • Flame Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor
  • LCD Display
  • Power Supply

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus Simulation
  • Embedded C

Project Block Diagram

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