Voice Recognition based Intelligent Wheelchair and GPS Tracking System

Development of a voice recognition based intelligent wheelchair system for physically handicapped people who are unable to drive the wheelchair by hand is represented in this paper where the patient can operate the wheelchair using voice commands and the location of patient can be traced using GPS module in the wheelchair that tracks and sends the information to smartphone application (app) via Firebase. Voice module V3 is used to record patient’s voice and recognize that voice to follow the instructions of the patient. This kit converts the voice commands to hexadecimal numbers and then the data is fed to the Wi-Fi module to control the wheelchair. Wi-Fi module directs the motor driver IC to move the wheels in desired direction. Motor speed can also be controlled in three stages-low, medium, high. This system also offers obstacle detection automatically using IR sensor and a smartphone app has been developed for the family members of patient to know about the location of the patient. Use of firebase makes the system fast and android app offers low cost and user friendly environment than the conventional GSM based navigation systems. As this system simultaneously offers voice operated wheelchair, motor speed control, obstacle detection and GPS tracking of patient using android app, hopefully it will be a fruitful system for the handicapped people worldwide.

Project Description


Development of a voice recognition based intelligent wheelchair system for physically handicapped people who are unable to drive the wheelchair by hand is represented in this paper where the patient can operate the wheelchair using voice commands and the location of patient can be traced using GPS module in the wheelchair that tracks and sends the information to smartphone application (app) via Firebase. Voice module V3 is used to record patient’s voice and recognize that voice to follow the instructions of the patient. This kit converts the voice commands to hexadecimal numbers and then the data is fed to the Wi-Fi module to control the wheelchair. Wi-Fi module directs the motor driver IC to move the wheels in desired direction. Motor speed can also be controlled in three stages-low, medium, high. This system also offers obstacle detection automatically using IR sensor and a smartphone app has been developed for the family members of patient to know about the location of the patient. Use of firebase makes the system fast and android app offers low cost and user friendly environment than the conventional GSM based navigation systems. As this system simultaneously offers voice operated wheelchair, motor speed control, obstacle detection and GPS tracking of patient using android app, hopefully it will be a fruitful system for the handicapped people worldwide.

Hardware Requirements

  • Arduino UNO
  • IR Sensor
  • GPS
  • LCD Display

Software Requirements

  • Embedded C
  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus Simulation

Project Block Diagram

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